
lcmdf – future me

le corps mince de françoise ще изкарват нов албум – love and nature. той ще излезе на 21 (или на 23?) февруари. до тогава ето една песен от сестрите и разбира се, видео към нея. за по-наблюдателните – да, само двете са, третата мацка нещо я няма.

променили са се. пораснали са явно.

[vimeo https://www.vimeo.com/19656788 w=681&h=383]

от сайта на lcd:

good people of earth:
lcd soundsystem are playing madison square garden on april 2nd, and it will be our last show ever. we are retiring from the game. gettin’ out. movin’
on. but for just one more night, we will be playing with friends and family for nearly 3 hours–playing stuff we’ve never played before and going out with a bang. and we’d like you to be there.

if you would, we’d love it if people all came in white. or black. or black and white. and come ready to have fun, please. and come early, as the festivities will be opened by our favorites, liquid liquid. yes: liquid

if it’s a funeral, let’s have the best funeral ever!!!

балъчетата като мене го изпуснаха. завинаги.

